Atomic-CS (emulador)


Atomic-CS :: Technical features

Postby admin » 06 Apr 2012, 16:22
Atomic-CS 0.1.1a release basic technical description:

- Multithreaded
- 100% stateless UDP service
- UPNP support
- Round-Robin supernode searcher
- CCcam client with compatibility upto 2.3.0 & Reshare all.
- ECM checksums
- ECM cache distributed superstructure (N*VA: Expiremental)
- Route maintenance & LDR (least distance routing)
- Max 8 outbound stateless connections per user
- P2P netork path history upto 64 nodes per CAID
- Possibility to disable sharing towards P2P network or limit based on CAID
- Global PRIO based on CCcam or P2P
- Onion routing base for 100% anonymous P2P
- Requires less than 1 packet per 3 minutes to maintain paths! +- 50 MB/month bandwith usage

This description is a final of what is being worked on now and can & may change by the release date to assure a working product is released thus, buggy features can be scrapped and moved on the next release!

Installing Atomic-CS on a Linux based receiver

1 Prerequisites
2 Installation
2.1 Router Configuration
2.2 Receiver Configuration


A Linux based receiver.
Donated via the forum to receive your unique keyfile (username.pem).
The IP address of your router, and you know how to log into and possibly how to open ports/port forward.
Ability to FTP into your receiver (I personally use Filezilla, its free)
Ability to telnet/ssh into the receiver (Again, I personally use PuTTY, and its also free)
You have downloaded the latest release of Atomic-CS from the forum, and extracted it into a folder that is easily accessible by your ftp software.
A lovely supporting forum team who are willing to help even the most trying of users (yes that means us!!)
If your receiver has the ability to backup your image/settings please go ahead and do so. This process requires commands which if mistyped could stop your receiver from working, you have been warned.


Before going any further please read and reread all instructions all the way to the end, make sure you are comfortable with the whole process.
Router Configuration

First we should probably open the correct ports on your router otherwise the Atomic-CS client will not be able to connect to the network. To do this you will need to open port 4321 & 4322 UDP.

We can’t possibly know how to configure every single router, so here is a guide to using another site to help:

Go to
Choose your router manufacturer and then model.
Next Just above the list of programs and alphabet there should be a hyperlink marked as ‘Default Guide’ click that and follow the instructions remembering that you will need to enter:
Your receivers IP address
The ports 4321 & 4322
Type UDP

Receiver Configuration

Start up your preferred FTP client and connect to you receiver.
Navigate to /var/bin (it may auto redirect to /usr/bin, this is normal).
Ftp en.png
Copy the files you extracted from the atomic-cs archive and copy them to /var/bin
Copy your keyfile to the same directory as above /var/bin
Close your ftp software.
Open a telnet/ssh/console session to the receiver and login.
(it will look similar to the screenshot below):
Console en.png
Now you need to run a few commands, the commands will be in bold so you can make out exactly what needs to be typed including spaces. (you should be able to copy and paste but please check you have copied exactly before running the command).
First we will navigate to the correct directory:
cd /var/bin
We now need to rename your keyfile to the filename expected by atomic-cs. YOU MUST REPLACE ‘username’ with your forum username eg. “exampleuser.pem” :
mv username.pem client.pem
Almost there, we have to now change the attributes of the files you copied up otherwise you will get a list of errors and problems:
chmod a+x ./atomic-cs*
This is what you should expect you screen to look like:
Commands en.png
Everything ok so far? Yes? Well here comes the good bit type the following and we have lift off!!
Atomic running en.png
No errors? Good news! You can now bask in the glory and enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling that comes from being part of CS history.

If you do have any issues during the installation please make your way over to the forum, and post in the relevant section associated with your receiver under the beta testers area.
Sai hj ou amanha nova release dito pelo admin, vamos ver o k trazde novo..
Ele prometeu-me k viria tb uma versão para dekos com processadores sh4 e k o sistema em vx de ir buscar os providers ia buscar os sids...e fixava alguns bugs nomeadamente na ligação a ccccam..para quem tivesse.
parece-me ser um emu com pernas para andar,secalhar ainda testo....................
sim este novo emu tem a particularidade de ser peer to peer nao precisar de trocas...........

e mais importante do que isso é ir buscar os nodes ids............

estou em pulgas para o testar assumo e reconheço,quero começar com os meus testes mas ainda nao tenho a release........

pois é meus amigos confirmo e reconfirmo com este novo emulador(atomic) é mesmo uma bomba já tenho a realease e já testei em enigma2 abre tudo e mais alguma coisa por peer to peer................
este sistema entao nao precisa de trocas apenas de uma doaçao para ter o atomic . agora essa doaçao é unica ou tem de vez em quando repetir?
e funciona bem em astra-hotbird-hispasat ?
PS- pena é o modo de pagamento onde se paga quase tanto por despesa como pelo pagamento.
alexrafa1 disse:
e funciona bem em astra-hotbird-hispasat ?
PS- pena é o modo de pagamento onde se paga quase tanto por despesa como pelo pagamento.

é o seguinte eu vou ser mt sincero convosco:

realmente é um bom emulador,nao é necessario trocas o soft vai buscar as nodes automaticamente,é rapidissimo a abrir os canais,nao tem quebras e abre os pacotes todos de vários satelites.........

mas na minha opiniao nao aconselho a dar doaçao pk isto daqui a 2 ou 3 meses quando o gajo tiver os milhares k lhe xegue vai fexar tudo.............nao mete as doaçoes no paypal pk? claro para nao ser apanhado,eu simplesmente doei pk eu sou um curioso por natureza..............

amigos claro que é pior que um payserver pois quase posso apostar que este soft vai buscar os canais ao server dele que é ( pois ja ouvi falar em foruns estrangeiros) payserver e com varios cards fakes
queria era ver o gajo a dar sem ter que se pagar isso sim ia chamar muita gente agora pagar so quem for burro pois para isso paga se um abonamento lool

abraço a todos
pois é...vale mais esperar para ver... não é de fiar..estou como o amigo avense diz..."cansa-se e fecha tudo"
Pk será k se tem k pagar por um soft? depois..for life?
Nada é eterno...
a doaçao agora subiu para 50 euros(antes era 25) e ainda nao tem suporte para as dreams 500s............

enigma1 só mesmo as 500+
enigma2 funciona sem prblemas....

nova realese:
First working P2P cam in the world!
All channels open. Fuck payservers.

- CPU usage lowered!!!
- memory leak in hashtable!
- Faster zapping
- Removed ID file crap (you can remove the file now, its useless)
- several misc fixes

- P2P connection
- P2P channels
- Auto boostrap
- Route maintaince

Please report back any issues in the forum and any error codes that you might see!

Files in this release
atomic- (500/600/...)
atomic- (800/8000...)
README (this file)
atomic.conf (config file)
ca.pem (ca cert)

1. Copy your username.pem file to the /var/bin directory of your box
2. Rename the file to client.pem (#$ mv username.pem client.pem )
3. Upload the atomic.conf, ca.pem and atomic-* to your /var/bin directory!
4. set +x (#$ chmod 777 ./atomic-* ) OR (#$ chmod a+x ./atomic-* ) from the /var/bin directory
5. (#$ ./atomic- -c . -b ) OR (#$ ./atomic- -c . -b )
muita gente vai chorar os euros dados lol