Black Hole Vu+ Uno 2.0.3 Hyperspace


Black Hole 2.0.3 Hyperspace

More Flash space available
Better performance
Great improvement of image quality in Solo2.

The codename of this image is a tribute to the past history of Black Hole series (one of the fastest ever images for the old dreamboxes).

Basically we have a new concept of image installation.
The Black Hole Speed Up is NOW INTEGRATED into the start wizard on the first configuration of the image after flashing and all applications can be enabled/disabled at the first boot configuration wizard.
You can choose to enable/disable features directly on first installation.
You can always access the Bh Speed Up panel later to enable/disable features.
With the package selection this way we can reduce the flash memory used and increase your box performance.

What is new:
NEW: kernel 3.3.8 (solo2)

NEW: Vuplus drivers:
- Fix deinterlacer problem (solo2, duo2)
- Support dual tuner blindscan (duo2, uno, ultimo)
- Fix SD video output problem when transcoding enabled (solo2)
- Enhance demux filtering (solo2)
- Support DTS-HD
- Add redundant interface to zapping mode

NEW: Greatly reduced image size due to the optimization of the building of larger packages.

NEW: Greatly improved image quality in Solo2 due to the new kernel and drivers

NEW: Better image performance (your Solo2 will fly).

Fixes and changes:
- Black Hole Speed Up integrated into start wizard.
- OpenWebif: install only pictures of your box (this will save even more flash space)
- [wlan] re-introduced RT3070 and RT2800USB drivers instead of the RT5572 issued driver
- Autoshutdown: plugin now defaults to inactive
- Fix tty0 > ttyS0 in

Warning: due to Kernel update and structural changes the Personal Backup of previous Black Hole images are not compatible with the 2.0.3 version.

WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot.
The image MUST be installed in flash.
Black Hole does not support images not installed in flash.

This latest version of the Black Hole series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.
