Experimental OE2.0 DM500HD


Retiro Espiritual
Date: 2013-08-15 17:18

Enigma2: 3.999git20130815-r9.1
Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0
Machine: Dreambox dm500hd
Link: _http://dreamboxupdate.com/opendreambox/2.0.3/ipk
MD5: 54d4d842dba045ffd516253a25acd362
SHA256: e8bc617b0140fc0212717616c3fd74423c5dca05c139ce4c8c cdf2586a77a3cf

enigma2 20130801 (master) -> 20130815 (master)
- fixed CEC poweroff message on enigma2 shutdown (deep standby)
- dont send CEC poweron message on automatic timer wakeup
- enigma2 will now boot into idle mode on automatic recordtimer wakeups
- added virtual subservices for some HD services
- fixed background and selection pixmap rendering in config lists
- fixed possible crash on subtitle delivery when 3rd party skins don't define some
mandatory values
- added "HasSubtitles" converter option to ServiceInfo skin converter
