OSCam-Emu Todas as imagens Ipk & Deb

Oscam icam patch 11814 with emu r802 ipk/deb for all e2/sh4 boxes and images

thanks levi45

  • File Type: ipk
  • File Type: deb
Oscam icam patch 11816 with emu r802 ipk/deb for all e2/sh4 boxes and images

Oscam icam patch 11820 with emu r802 ipk/deb for all e2/sh4 boxes and images

streamrelay: Force disconnect stream when no data from source
- this eliminates the 30 sec tuner release timeout when switching to streamrelay channels that are not currently broadcasting a program..

Changeset OsCam 11837

New Update:23.09.2024
Changeset 11837 (9f9870a2)
signing: fix upx decompression
* update signature validation process..
* also sign the binary before compression..
* embed signature so that upx still recognizes its own format (make, cmake)..
build AuDi06_19

Latest version OSCam​

Compiled by Levi45
Oscam icam patch 11839 with emu r802 ipk/deb for all e2/sh4 boxes and images
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