
Retiro Espiritual
[size=10pt][size=10pt]Vão colocando neste Post tudo o que for extra url com os addons de varias imagens![/size][/size]

Nova DExtra para a DREAM-ELITE.

[size=10pt]New url2 for Sif Image (E1) E (E2)[/size]

New url2 sifteam
copy in var/etc/sifteam/tmp/
button green+green
Cam Feed OE2.0 Kompatibel Update

Installation - Deutsch:

RAR Archiv OneStep_GP3_Cam_Feed.rar downloaden und entpacken
Lade mit einem FTP Programm deiner Wahl die Datei gp-cam-feed_x.x_all.ipk auf die Dreambox in das Wurzelverzeichnis /
Gehe in Menu -> Einstellungen -> Softwareverwaltung -> Lokale Erweiterung installieren -> Interner Flash -> Erweiterung installieren -> Bestätige die Installation von

Sollte eure Box keinen Neustart verlangen, dann führt ihr diesen bitte manuell aus. Menu -> Standby/Neustart -> "GUI neu starten".

The Unofficial Cam-Feed For Gemini GP3 by OneStep

Installation - English:

Download and unzip the RAR archive "OneStep_GP3_Cam_Feed.rar"
Charge with an FTP program of your choice the file "gp-cam-feed_x.x_all.ipk" at your dreambox to Root /
Go to menu -> Setup -> Software management -> Install local extension -> Internal Flash -> Install extension -> Confirm the installation of "gp-cam-feed_x.x_all.ipk"
If your box does not require restart, then run it manually. Menu -> Standby / Restart -> "Restart GUI"

We have just updated some packages. The main package has also been adjusted again.

* Fixed link to / var / etc
* Fixed conf opkg feed now stored in / etc / opkg

The installation should now be working smoothly. The cams should also startn. Please