Atomic-CS (emulador)

nova versao

First working P2P cam in the world!
All channels open. Fuck payservers.

- Multiple supernodes
- Faster zapping
- several misc fixes
- Route maintaince

- Multi-supernode connection
- P2P connection
- P2P channels
- Auto boostrap
- Route maintaince

Please report back any issues in the forum and any error codes that you might see!

Files in this release
atomic- (500/600/...)
atomic- (800/8000...)
atomic- (qbox, cubrevo BETA)
atomic- (dm500/dbox2 BETA)
README (this file)
atomic.conf (config file)
ca.pem (ca cert)

The worlds first P2P cardsharing community!
Atomic-CS - Mandatory upgrade!

For release info see blog!


* Connection issues
* Blackscreens
* Supernode high ECM time
* Supernode Memory leak!

Breaks all compatibility with older releases! Mandatory upgrade! All older versions now EOL! (end-of-life)

Start command is same/older scripts/startup scripts should all continue working:

./atomic-* -c . -b
[h=2]Atomic-CS 1.4-BUGFIX release[/h] Hi,

This version is for debugging only.

Start command:

"./atomic-1.4-bugfix -c ."
(do not do -b also, cuz its useless)

The version will report "update available" and download it. FIRST INSTALL THE START/STOP SCRIPT!!!!!!!

The real update will be available in the next hour.

Also you will notice there is NO [supernode] section anymore. It will pull the file from the server and save it to /var/bin/atomic.bootstrap

Also to be noted: SHARING FROM BOX TO BOX IS DISABLED in this release. Its main purpose is to bootstrap the network and create a P2P network that is alive and self sustaining. I will post an update on the update server tonight and when everyone installs the new start/stop script it will apply that update. That update will fix the issues that get reported in the threads of all vip's + enable the cardsharing part. (its a simple flag). This will also allow me to test the update server widely + test the bootstrap file deployer also, before the big release to public!
...como funciona este emulador...
Este emulador funciona com base em oscam mas o gaijo decidiu fazer um protocolo p2p encryted.
Se não doarem não teem o ficheiro atomic.user validado que é o que faz funcionar a cam.Trabalha á base de certificado tipo ssl, necessita dos files ca.pem e atomic.user onde se coloca as chaves publicas e a do user tipo RSA key.
Aqui vos deixo os ficheiros do emu, embora não tivesse doado consegui uma versão antiga, mas dá para estudarem a coisa. como não teem o ficheiro que dá acesso ao servidor logo nao funca.
Ver anexo 335