OSCAM 11718
for DM900, DM920, DM520,DM525, DM820, DM7080 (DEB)
DreamOSat camManager , Gemini GP4, Gemini GP3 ,OoZooN, newnigma2, Merlin4 OE2.5,
Dream Elite OE2.5, PowerSat, SatLodge, PeterPan, OpenTS/Ts
Important! Install libcurl4 from the package manager beforehand
You can access OscamWebif with the IP of the box: 8888
Note oscam.conf settings!
extended_cw_api = 1 #[ (1) = OE2.2/2.5-ARM
OSCAM 11718
for vuplus zero 4K/ solo 4k/ultimo 4k/uno 4k, mutant hd51/52, AX 51/52, Xtrend, ET11000/120000, Spycat 4K, Edision 4k, Octagon 4k, DM900, DM920, Vu+ solo, Uno, Duo, Ultimate, Zero (IPK)
DreamOSat camManager, Gemini GP3, OoZooN, newnigma2, OpenTS/Ts, Merlin3,
Dream Elite, PowerSat, SatLodge, PeterPan, VTI, Blackhole, teamBlue, NonSoloSat, DDD Demoni,
Domica, LT image, Egami, SatdreamGr, PBnigma-VIX, PURE2, ruDREAM, PKT, ItalySat, HDMU,
OpenATV, OpenPLI, OpenNFR, OpenBlackhole, OpenSPA, OpenDroid, OpenVIX, OpenHDF,
OpenLD, OpenESI, OpenEight, OpenMips, OpenPlus, OpenVision, nonsolosat
You can access OscamWebif with the IP of the box: 8888
Note oscam.conf settings!
extended_cw_api = 2# [ (2) = OE 2.0 arm and mipsel