SAPRO Image 3.3 for Octagon SF8008 Backup
- Update Enigma2
- Update pre-installed plugins
- Update pre-installed skins
Use distro: OpenATV 6.4
Enigma version: 05-04-2022
Kernel version: 4.4.35
DVB version: 05-01-2022
GStreamer version: 1.18.5
Python version: 2.7.18
Resolution mode: 1080p
Default language: Czech
Default skin: HD Glass 17
Pre-installed plugins:
- AJPanel - 4.3.0
- ArchivCZSK - 1.3.8
- Chocholousek picon - 5.0.220121
- CoolTVGuide - 7.7.0
- CSFDLite - 2.0
- DreamSat Panel - 1.3
- EPGImport - 1.0
- HasBahCa - 1.3
- HBBTV - 2.0-r0-50
- MediaPortal - 2020070101
- Multi-Stalker - 1.3
- Netflix - 4.0
- Streamlink - 3.3
- SubsSupport - 3.3.1
- webradioFS - 20.06
- XStreamity - 3.63
- Youtube - git1017
- YoutubeTV - 1.0 - the maximum video playback resolution is 1080p !
- Kodi 18.9
- under Kodi Skylink Live TV - 1.7.3
- under Kodi Netflix - 1.12.9
- under Kodi Stream Cinema - 1.3.28
- under Kodi Stream Cinema Community - 2.5.40
Pre-installed skins:
- HD Glass 17 - 7.12
- Metrix-ATV - 3.0-git2006
Pre-installed cams:
OSCam: r11704 - port 8888 - 0624
Oscam: local - port 8888 - M7 - read local cards only
Login :
Name: root
Password: sapro
- Copy the file to a USB stick and install via Online image change.
You can download version for SF8008 from
- Update Enigma2
- Update pre-installed plugins
- Update pre-installed skins
Use distro: OpenATV 6.4
Enigma version: 05-04-2022
Kernel version: 4.4.35
DVB version: 05-01-2022
GStreamer version: 1.18.5
Python version: 2.7.18
Resolution mode: 1080p
Default language: Czech
Default skin: HD Glass 17
Pre-installed plugins:
- AJPanel - 4.3.0
- ArchivCZSK - 1.3.8
- Chocholousek picon - 5.0.220121
- CoolTVGuide - 7.7.0
- CSFDLite - 2.0
- DreamSat Panel - 1.3
- EPGImport - 1.0
- HasBahCa - 1.3
- HBBTV - 2.0-r0-50
- MediaPortal - 2020070101
- Multi-Stalker - 1.3
- Netflix - 4.0
- Streamlink - 3.3
- SubsSupport - 3.3.1
- webradioFS - 20.06
- XStreamity - 3.63
- Youtube - git1017
- YoutubeTV - 1.0 - the maximum video playback resolution is 1080p !
- Kodi 18.9
- under Kodi Skylink Live TV - 1.7.3
- under Kodi Netflix - 1.12.9
- under Kodi Stream Cinema - 1.3.28
- under Kodi Stream Cinema Community - 2.5.40
Pre-installed skins:
- HD Glass 17 - 7.12
- Metrix-ATV - 3.0-git2006
Pre-installed cams:
OSCam: r11704 - port 8888 - 0624
Oscam: local - port 8888 - M7 - read local cards only
Login :
Name: root
Password: sapro
- Copy the file to a USB stick and install via Online image change.
You can download version for SF8008 from
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